Caxin Bar em Lisboa

PortugalCaxin Bar



🕗 horário

22, Costa do Castelo, 1100-129, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.7121058, Longitude: -9.1344573

comentários 5

  • pt

    Daniel Guerreiro


    Recomendo para os amantes de shisha, tem muita variedade.

  • Надежда Бочанова

    Надежда Бочанова


    Хорошее заведение, кальян на воде понравился (9 евро, 2 загрузки), еды никакой не продается, но орешки-чипсы бесплатно приносят к любым напиткам. Единственный минус - сложно найти если закрыта дверь.

  • Z C

    Z C


    My wife and I were actually walking to a different hookah bar when we smelt this one. Popped in and were not disappointed. Traveled all over the middle east and this is the best shisha cafe I have ever been to. The ambiance and the quality of shisha made our experience wonderful. Highly recommend.

  • Mário Cunha

    Mário Cunha


    Bar bastante acolhedor e ótimo para passar o resto de uma noite. Oferecem snacks aos clientes.

  • Idil Abdi

    Idil Abdi


    So my friend and I were here a while back, when he recently opened. We were his first Canadian visitors he had said. His costumer services skills were impeccable which is soooo rare in Portugal and coming from Canada, we’re kinda big on that, so that immediately made us like him. He genuinely cares for his clients and gave free snacks with the shisha my friend had. I don’t like shisha, but she was blown away by the top notch flavors he had and how attentive he was! She didn’t have to call him to check on the coal, he was on it! Atmosphere is on point. Location is great. People are friendly.

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