Centro Comercial do Campo Pequeno em Lisboa

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PortugalCentro Comercial do Campo Pequeno



🕗 horário

Avenida República, 1000-082, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 21 799 8450
website: www.campopequeno.com
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.742589, Longitude: -9.1451841

comentários 5

  • Nelson Arrulo

    Nelson Arrulo


    Small shopping center, has a few useful shops and a really good crepe quiosk near the restaurants

  • Hercio Chiziane

    Hercio Chiziane


    Shopping mall of excellence. With lots of options for meals, shopping, rest, park, and a cinema. Love it👌

  • Manuel Arcângelo

    Manuel Arcângelo


    Often crowded during lunch time on week days, city oriented shopping mall, this is a place where you can shop during your lunch hour. Other than that, it has no distinguishing shops, but has most shops you may need. On the good side, you may find here the typical day food, but also some slow food restaurants.

  • Margarida Jorge

    Margarida Jorge


    Good little comercial center in the middle of the city. It will not have everything you need but for the size it is quite good. You can park you car under the center in the parking house. In the middle there are around 8 restaurants where you can definitely find something to eat. In the center you can also find one of my favourite shops, ale hop.

  • Duarte Laranjeira

    Duarte Laranjeira


    Small, clean, well organized shopping centre. It includes a food court with a good range of not-so-junk-food options and a movie theater. Great option if you wish to avoid the huge crowds in other major retail centres. The only reason it gets 4 stars is the selection of stores it has, wish they were more relevant.

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