Farol Hotel em Cascais

PortugalFarol Hotel


informação não

🕗 horário

Av. Rei Humberto II de Italia 7, 2750-800 Cascais, Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 21 482 3490
website: www.farol.com.pt
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.69034, Longitude: -9.422225

comentários 5

  • Frederic Eyong

    Frederic Eyong


    All was perfect! Perfect views. Hire some bikes and go for a ride!

  • Sophie Jacobson

    Sophie Jacobson


    We went only for a drink and to sit outside by the pool. Drinks were good and the service was very nice. Upmarket hotel right by the sea.

  • Drew Smith

    Drew Smith


    Awesome bar with a great view

  • Ricardo Dias Ferreira

    Ricardo Dias Ferreira


    I loved the experience. The only reason I'm giving 4 stars is because I chose a room with jacuzzi and the equipment was not functioning properly. I think that when you pay over 500 euros for a room for one night everything has to be spot on, simlly perfect. Breakfast is great and the sushi is out of this world. You sould definitely try it and ask for a room with a seaview!

  • Elske Bijpost

    Elske Bijpost


    What a beautiful hotel! Very friendly and helpful staff. Nice and clean rooms with lovely beds. We enjoyed a wonderful massage on the rocks and had lunch in the sushi restaurant and dinner in The Mix. Both are absolutely recommendable! The pool area is lovely, the view amazing and the Cascais shops are walking distance away. We will celebrate our next anniversary here again! Thanks for the lovely surprise in our room!

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