Fools and Horses em Lagos

PortugalFools and Horses



🕗 horário

Rua António Barbosa Viana, 8600-302, Lagos, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 282 762 970
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 37.1020506, Longitude: -8.6737996

comentários 5

  • en

    Rob Devlin


    Good pub. Good food. Good staff. Good prices and great smoothies

  • en

    Lorcan Mc Kenna


    No Star! Nearly got beaten up by the owner/Bar man who is very aggressive. I had a very traumatic experience here. As you can see by Sarah’s review below sums it all up. Only we were leaving the next day we would have gave a statement to the GNR (local Police) for assault.

  • en

    jonathan wexler


    Fantastic people. Great and welcoming sense of community. I had fish and chips. Took the cod option. Not greasy. A beautiful piece of cod. Guinness on tap. Reasonable prices too.

  • Sarah Caraher

    Sarah Caraher


    AVOID - Minus stars for a disgusting aggressive owner and very hostile crowd. We had a terrible experience in this bar. We walked in to a lively atmosphere with music playing and lots of people. We went down the back and then went to use the toilets before getting a drink. As I was pushing the door open I was pulled by my jacket hood. Confronted by abusive language and told to leave. As I was walking out the owner then turned on my boyfriend, shouting at him. The music stopped and the crowd became aggressive towards us. I had walked out my boyfriend following, he was blocked at the door and when I tried to return the door was LOCKED. He was inside surrounded by aggressive drunk thugs I was outside. Only for the staff who diffused the row and OPENED the door this could have been very very nasty.

  • Antonio Tirado Priego

    Antonio Tirado Priego


    Cervecería inglesa. Tienen cerveza Güines. Dueños ingleses desde hace 38 años.

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