O Marinheiro em Albufeira

PortugalO Marinheiro



🕗 horário

Estrada da Praia da Coelha, Albufeira, PT Portugalia
contactos telefone: +351 289 592 350
website: www.o-marinheiro.com
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 37.0796929, Longitude: -8.2918112

comentários 5

  • Noel Deasy Cars

    Noel Deasy Cars


    Superb food and extremely resonable for what you get. The staff were very friendly without being pushy.Really attractive surroundings also and I booked for the night after I was so happy.

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    Richard Cuthbert


    Very high standard of food and the staff were very attentive. Would definitely go again

  • Marcus Gunning

    Marcus Gunning


    Friendly staff excellent food, set in a great environment.. would definitely go back could recommend it to anybody...

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    Lucy Parfait


    Service very attentive, lovely restaurant. Steak was cooked perfectly to order. Setting and surroundings fantastic. Stumbled across this place when trying to find a villa we used to visit years ago. Really pleased we stopped by.

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    A exceptional restaurant that you'd expect to find in London. The menu is of the highest quality, the flavours of the dishes are amazing and the restaurant is quite modern for this area I'd say, which is quite refreshing the service is second to none, the only downside I can see is that because it is so good you may struggle to get a table so book in advarnce! Loved it.

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