Virgin Active em Lisboa

Doença de coronavírus (COVID-19) Situação

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PortugalVirgin Active


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🕗 horário

18B, Rua Martens Ferrão, 1050-010, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.7286887, Longitude: -9.1477412

comentários 5

  • André Nery

    André Nery


    Excelente Spa

  • João Raposo

    João Raposo


    Melhor ginásio de Lisboa. Óptimo Spa e optimas instalações.

  • Rebecca Kenna

    Rebecca Kenna


    The gym facilities are great and the pool is wonderful. The spa area is quite grimy and the water isn't very warm. Some of the showers are a little mouldy but the sauna in the changing room is really great quality. The equipment is good inside. There is a BIG issue, as with every gym that the sign up procedure is complicated and getting out of the contract is horribly complicated also. It is enough to put me off every joining a gym again. It is worth noting how little you get your subscription and sign up for depends entirely on how well you are able to haggle with the customer service representatives, I've overheard some people being presented with deals much more expensive than mine, and being locked into them for months because they trusted the gym to present them the best offer. I was more or less happy with the price for me given the quality of the gym, but sad that others were being tricked a little. It's such a shame there has to be this 'scam' aspect to the gym because the staff there are so professional and friendly the rest of the time. I'm sure if there was a transparent and uncomplicated payment and contract offered customers would feel far more respected and would still be happy to pay just as much.

  • Paulo Ferreira

    Paulo Ferreira


    Bom spa

  • Maria José Moreira

    Maria José Moreira


    O melhor ginásio, excelentes condições!

Ginásio mais próximo

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