Alojamento Santa Maria em Tavira

PortugalAlojamento Santa Maria


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Avenida Zeca Afonso N8, 8800-318 Tavira, Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 962 405 850
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 37.1305427, Longitude: -7.6408106

comentários 3

  • pt-PT

    Ines Pais


  • Cathy Girard

    Cathy Girard


    Appartement confortable mais un environnement bétonné au milieu des travaux et une piscine de résidence ou les locataires ne sont pas les bienvenus

  • en

    Patrick Winnie


    Worst two week accommodation ever. I'm a regular contributor to review sites and as an independent traveller I do a lot of research before making reservations, most of the time you are reliant on other reviews and that the listings are relatively accurate. For the most part I have been successful and have never had to write a relentlessly negative accommodation review before so this is a first. I had originally booked this accommodation for three weeks at least 6 -7 months in advance of our vacation, with just around two weeks before our trip the owner contacted me to indicate that there was a problem with the pool and it would not be available during my visit. Obviously considering how close this was to my departure date it was impossible to reschedule the whole trip and although very angry and annoyed about the owners behaviour I basically had two options, either cancel my holiday or try to reschedule what I could and go ahead. I decided on the latter course of action and managed to reschedule the third week at a cost of some 700 Euros. I was obviously now nervous about the stay in this accommodation but we decided to make the most of it, after all we had been assured by the owner that the only problem was access to the pool. I was a gullible idiot. This apartment is in the middle of a huge building site, the apartment and the grounds were being refurbished, please see the photos I have attached to get a feel for the extent of the building work, at NO time did the owner indicate there was any building work going on. All four sides of the apartment have major building works ongoing, the work generally started around 7am and finished around 6pm every day except the weekend. The building is surrounded by scaffolding and there are 4 different building sites immediately out side the apartment all also contributing to the noise, dirt and smell. Basically I was mislead by the owner, this apartment should never have been made available for rental this summer. I discussed the building work with another property owner in the block he confirmed the building work had been ongoing for months and he expected it to continue for several more. If you think I'm exaggerating check the photos, I'll also post a video if tripadvisor allows. So no pool, nowhere peaceful to sit in the sun, building work noise from 7am every day not exactly my idea of a holiday but thats not all. Keys, when we arrived the local agent met us and gave us one set of keys which considering this apartment is advertised as suitable for 4-6 in not fit for purpose, I asked for another set but was told there was not another set. All of the other apartments had a remote which opened the electrical gate to allow vehicle access to the complex, we were not given one. When I asked why I was told the apartment did not have one so we had no vehicle access to the complex. To add insult to injury the external gate that accessed the complex was only opened by a key there was no remote access via an intercom system as you would expect so when one of us had to go out the other was a prisoner in the complex, watching the builders!!! Also as if that were not enough the key for this gate was intermittent and could take 20 -30 attempts to open on some occasions. All of these issues were known before hand by the owner and agent. Security, the locks on the doors leading to the small balcony did not lock, again both the owner and agent were aware of this before hand, added to this there was a safe but no one could explain how to open it so we had to take our valuables with us each time we left the apartment. Hot water, the showers were generally warm for the first 2 or 3 minutes after that they went cold and were impossible to use. Cleanliness, the apartment was nice and clean when we arrived but the towels were very old and neither they nor the bedding were changed during the stay, not what you would expect for a two week stay. Overall as I'm sure you will have guessed by now I hated this apartment and would strongly suggest that no travellers book this complex or with this owner.

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