Avis em Lisboa




🕗 horário

156, Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca, 1070-050, Lisboa, PT Portugalia
contactos telefone: +351 21 386 8547
website: www.avis.com.pt
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.7262681, Longitude: -9.1560267

comentários 5

  • pt

    Maria Do Carmo Encinas Manfre Fernandes


    Ótimo atendimento! Profissionais capacitados. Carros em ótimo estado!!!

  • Eugenio Carrijo

    Eugenio Carrijo


    Bom atendimento

  • en

    Luis senna


    Very nice staff. Despite i arrived late the staff were friendly and very helpfull...Thanks

  • diego dreitausend

    diego dreitausend


    Never again Avis. Worst renting experience by far. Very unfriendly staff and a dirty car. The car was not properly cleaned, spillage and dirt marks were visible on both driver and passenger side as well as on the console. When we wanted to return the car at exactly the scheduled time without being too late by any minute, the office was already closed and we had to come back the next morning, paying for an uber and parking. When we informed the staff to let them know that they should inform customers about closing times in advance, they told us straight up we are lying and were too late anyway because it is impossible that the colleague left the agency too early. Thank god there are other car rental companies which are cheaper and more customer friendly.

  • Cristina Pavalache

    Cristina Pavalache


    Extremely bad service and rip-offs. We got charged extra when dropping off the car even though all was fully paid for in advance. For the time we had the car we could never contact the agency by phone. I do not recommend!!

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