Axis Porto - Business & SPA Hotel em Matosinhos

PortugalAxis Porto - Business & SPA Hotel


informação não

🕗 horário

100, Rua Maria Feliciana, São Mamede de Infesta 4465-283, Matosinhos, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 22 905 2000
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 41.1877841, Longitude: -8.5974733

comentários 5

  • en

    Mara Colzani


    Nice hotel, even if the rooms were not well insonorized, so I heard the guest next door making noise late at night. The dinner was ok, but not exceptionally tasting. Breakfast was a bit chaotic due to the presence of many people. The staff was kind and the room was clean.

  • brais brenlla ramos

    brais brenlla ramos


    Good experience overall - albeit on the pricey side of the spectrum when it comes to hotel accomodation. The equipment is pretty new and the kindness of the staff was greatly appreciated. The only downside would be the high price tag on certain elements - eating in or any extras - and the distance from the city centre.

  • en

    Agata Wojcik


    Very nice. Polite staff. Very clean. Bathrooms nice. Beds so comfortable.... food good... no hassle...

  • en

    João Trêpa


    Friendly staff, great rooms with a good don't have a good view and it's far from the city center everything else is great

  • Mimi Sharon

    Mimi Sharon


    Great stay at this great hotel. Excellent breakfast. Clean and large room. Exceptional staff at front desk. Very good Wifi !!!

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