Bolsa Palace em Porto

PortugalBolsa Palace



🕗 horário

Rua de Ferreira Borges, 4050-253, Porto, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 22 339 9000
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 41.1413772, Longitude: -8.6156725

comentários 5

  • Niv M

    Niv M


    A unique architecture with rich Portuguese traditional ornaments. An event to remember

  • Iliescu Miruna

    Iliescu Miruna


    The guide didnt seem so happy with her job. The place could be more interesting if the story would be told in the right way

  • Caio Cesar Moreira

    Caio Cesar Moreira


    Amazing. One of the most beautiful buildings I've ever visited. It took 40 years only to build it's stairs which were carved manually. Lots of handmade art inside of it. Worth taking the guided tour which is free and gives lots of information to tourists.

  • Pierros Zevolis

    Pierros Zevolis


    Beautiful historical building (Palace) with classic architecture. It is a big one and has many rooms with beautiful decoration. The tour is an interesting and educational one. It is a popular tourist attraction, with many groups as well as indepentent visitors.

  • Gary Bedell

    Gary Bedell


    A beautiful building well worth a visit. A bit overpriced. I was unable to take good pictures of the best rooms, especially the Arab Room, as they were rented out for events. Great they can make money from events but you shouldn't have to pay so much when rooms are set up for a conference. Somewhat disappointing that they continue to make the money grab from tourism at the same time as they collect thousands for events and you get to take pictures of a guy setting up chairs for a conference. My advice to them: events or tours. Not compatible. We should have been told before we paid that some areas were closed or not suitable for photography.

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