CDL - Dental Clinic Lisbon em Lisboa

PortugalCDL - Dental Clinic Lisbon



🕗 horário

9B, Rua Ferreira da Silva, 1900-228, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 800 300 333
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.7355679, Longitude: -9.1335401

comentários 5

  • Luis Filipe

    Luis Filipe


    Best ever !! Awesome service from Reception staff to best Dentist Doctor's !! I am truly amazed !! The best clinic to take care of your smile !! Dra. Silvia Santos is top professional and develops expert results.

  • José Rainho

    José Rainho


    When I was a child, I was afraid of dentist appointments. It's easy to understand why: strange sounds, scary machines, all because of your teeth, that actually do hurt sometimes! I grew up and stopped being afraid, but I'll admit to being nervous at the mere sight of the dentist chair. Until I found CDL a few years ago. Where everyone is so professional, friendly and attentive. Where you get top notch treatment by top notch dentists using top notch equipment. Where the appointment scheduling is as flexible as you need it to be. But all of these compliments can only be fully understood when you visit the clinic and you really feel welcome and in the safest, greatest of hands. That's, actually, my best compliment to CDL: I didn't feel nervous at the mere sight of the dentist chair anymore, because at Clinica Dentaria de Lisboa it doesn't feel like a dental clinic. It feels more like home.

  • Sonia Silva

    Sonia Silva


    Incredibly Impressed with the profissionalism, good Grace and transparency of the staff at CDL Dental Practice. I would Highly recommend !!!

  • en

    Riccardo Salzer


    by far the most friendliest and professional dentists i have ever seen. i got an emergency appointment within 2 hours after an accident and they really took their time to fix up my broken teeth in the most professional way. keep on this great job!

  • João Moreno

    João Moreno


    I was really afraid to go to the dentist. After a few sessions, I was not afraid anymore. Very nice team, highly qualified professionals and always with smile! Highly recommended!

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