Decathlon Amadora em Amadora

PortugalDecathlon Amadora



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Estrada do Monte da Cabreira 1/1A, 2610-017 Amadora, Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 21 470 6700
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.7268884, Longitude: -9.2113177

comentários 5

  • Bruno Legouge

    Bruno Legouge


    Well know sport shop with lots of products and covering many sports. Best spot sofar for those who loves tennis for instance.

  • Joaquim Pedro

    Joaquim Pedro


    Get fully equipped for whatever sport you practice. No need to go anywhere else

  • Christian Hermansson

    Christian Hermansson


    Decathlon is actually the only place where you can get your sports gear, at least in greater Lisbon. There is some competition from Sport Zone, but their shops are generally smaller. Even though Decathlon has most of the things you would look for and need in a sports equipment store, I do think that it can be a bit pricey at times, at least in comparison with similar stores in other European countries. This is probably due to the lack of competition.

  • Patrícia Malico Alexandre

    Patrícia Malico Alexandre


    Of you’re in a pinch and need something cheap that will do for a short period of time, this is your store. They sell mainly their own brands. When they opened, a few years ago, they had other brands, such as North Face, Colombia, etc., so the costumer could decide if they wanted to invest a bit more or not. Nowadays, it’s mainly their brand, so no choice.

  • Manuel Arcângelo

    Manuel Arcângelo


    The name does not need any presentation as it provides the same sports materials almost all over the world. Special note for a large outdoor parking, complemented for another indoors. The last change on the payment line makes it very quick to finish the visit.

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