Embassy of the United States of America em Lisboa

PortugalEmbassy of the United States of America



🕗 horário

133C, Avenida das Forças Armadas, 1600-081, Lisboa, PT Portugalia
contactos telefone: +351 21 727 3300
website: pt.usembassy.gov
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.7441093, Longitude: -9.163324

comentários 5

  • pt

    valdo fernandes


    O mundo ocidental já não "DORME" embalado nas vossas mentiras e manipulações feitas pela mídia que vocês controlam para autenticamente "lavar" o cérebro dos ocidentais.Têm as mãos sujas de tanto sangue que derramaram no médio oriente aonde com argumentos falsos e mentiras invadiram e destruíram a Líbia ,Iraque e Síria matando um milhão de pessoas inocentes. Chega de MENTIRA SEUS GENOCIDAS!!!!!!!

  • en

    Maria Da Conceicao Barros Goncalves Da Silva


    Horrible staff !! Receptionist cuts you off before you finish talking, transfers you to other departments that don't pick up. You ask for a supervisor they don't transfer or they hang up on you. You come for an appointment ahead of time, they make you wait outside even as an American Citizen, under cold weather, rain or shine, as there is no shelter or waiting area in the perimeter of the security area. The place is in the boonies in a traffic noisy area with no other businesses nearby, with you having to walk up a steep road with an underpasses full of homeless people left overs. Private police security force outside walking back and forth with guns! Highly disappointed and no wonder Americans are giving up their citizenship, left and right. As a consolation, one of the security guys came outside to talk to me; he saw me as a disabled individual and apologized. They are under orders to not let anyone inside the perimeter until 15 min before their appointment. On top of everything else, one stinky notary costs you $50 dollars! Talk about highway robbery! So disappointed about American diplomacy. If they treat Americans outside home like this...imagine the non Americans! :-((

  • Humberto Moro

    Humberto Moro


    Super expedite, friendly and helpful. The consuls were particularly amazing. Thank you so much for your great service!!

  • Ryan Sagare

    Ryan Sagare


    A proud American not feeling so proud after my visit to this embassy. There is no way that you can give this place 5 stars if you pay a visit! I've lived in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, and Mexico and this has to be the worst embassy I've been to. I got to the embassy 15 minutes before my appointment on a rainy day and they made me wait outside for over 30 minutes. At least warn me that there is no inside waiting area. Thank god for the tree outside that offered some protection from the rain for the people that didn't have an umbrella. There was a poor elderly lady that got there early and had been waiting soaked for an hour. Advice: whatever you do don't go early! Which to be fair they warn you about in the appointment confirmation. Besides having to wait outside, you are in the middle of nowhere. I get it. Safety is an issue! And well, I felt safe and really cold and wet! Better communication would have made everything better. Everyone there was pissed off and irritated. I love my country but I have a feeling that anyone going to this embassy will leave with a bitter taste in their mouth!

  • mendel pinto dos santos

    mendel pinto dos santos


    Sou um admirador dos Estados Unidos e do seu povo, pela sua postura e colaboração global perante um mundo tão indefeso e carecido de valências, honestidade,personalidade,etc. SÓ UM GRANDE ESTADISTA COMO DONALD TRUMP , CONSEGUIA VENCER UMAS ELEIÇÕES PRESIDENCIAIS TÃO VERGONHOSAS PARA O SEU POVO. ATÉ O PRESIDENTE OBAMA E FORÇAS ESTRANGEIRAS TIVERAM UM COMPORTAMENTO MISERÁVEL .Mesmo assim, o povo ganhou ! Presidente Vitalício da AIA MUNDIAL ( Artists International Association).

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