Goldig Café & Take Away em Lagos

PortugalGoldig Café & Take Away


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64, Rua Infante de Sagres, 8600-315, Lagos, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 37.1011828, Longitude: -8.675204

comentários 5

  • en

    Morten Nilsen


    Terribly organised Stay away, the used 45 minutes when it was only 4 guest there. It's å East meny and it should be able to make om 3 minutes.

  • Ben Burford

    Ben Burford


    Delicious home made chai latte and banana bread, highly recommended!

  • kate friedman

    kate friedman


    This cafe saved us! We arrived during the week of Christmas and nothing was open except this little cafe. Lucky for us the dish of the day was incredible- veggies and lentils with tahini sauce. VEGETARIAN and GLUTEN FREE! We also had amazing juices, one with fennel and one with carrots and ginger. Great combinations. The staff were so lovely and friendly. Highly recommended!

  • Meredith Barrett-Jones

    Meredith Barrett-Jones


    Great little healthy breakfast spot with vegetarian and vegan options available. We got the vegan banana bread, cold pressed juice and and 2 'Quintas'. Service was fast and good was delicious!

  • Dana Gawlak

    Dana Gawlak


    Relatively cheap cafe with vegan and Vegetarian options. The staff here has always been so kind, attentive, and caring. I love this place so much, I go here every time I am in Lagos. They serve coffee, teas, wine, and beer. They have tapas options, small breakfast plates, and sweets - most of which are vegan! If you have the chance, this place deserves one of your mornings in Lagos.

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