Hotel 3K Barcelona em Lisboa

PortugalHotel 3K Barcelona


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🕗 horário

10, Rua Laura Alves, 1050-138, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 21 795 4273
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.740986, Longitude: -9.1504526

comentários 5

  • Robert Leslie

    Robert Leslie


    Superb hotel in the financial district, easy reach for public transport and ample parking off-site. Good breakfast, lovely comfortable beds. Bit of air traffic noise but no big deal.

  • en

    jerome harrison


    Really enjoyed my stay. Staff very friendly. Location also very good.

  • Cuciula Ovidiu

    Cuciula Ovidiu


    I will never forget this hotel, I have checked in this hotel and it was like a nightmare, outside it was raining any 12 degree in the room was 18 degree. The heating ventilation was blowing only cold air... we have to turn on the shower to get some extra degree in the room. We ask for somebody from maintenance but there was nobody, we ask for the manager but he is available only 8 hours / day in daytime. In the room you can hear when your neighbour is going to the toilet... at the window you have towels to stop the noise and rain to get in too the room. Any noise from outside is also inside the room... So in the end I honestly not recommend even to my enemy this hotel...

  • Claudine Ionescu

    Claudine Ionescu


    Maybe 3 stars maximum. Heating not working windows not closing.the pictures don’t show reality.Quality vs price low! Do not recommend further!!!

  • en



    The room is well prepared. You will find all necessary staff for your stay. The breakfast is pretty good but one in the same everyday. The hotel is close to the metro station and bus station. It's about 35 min far way from the airport by metro. Nice visit and very good and welcoming staff.

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