José Alvalade Stadium em Lisboa

PortugalJosé Alvalade Stadium


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🕗 horário

Rua Professor Fernando da Fonseca, 1501-806, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 21 751 6000
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.7612299, Longitude: -9.1617956

comentários 5

  • André Cândido

    André Cândido


    The best stadium, from the best club in Portugal. Sporting Clube de Portugal!

  • Steve Clewes

    Steve Clewes


    The stadium is in good condition. People seem to queue up for no reason to get in so make sure you make a b-line directly to the gates. Be warned that there is no beer served inside. The football was tergid but you can't control that!

  • Francesco Filippone

    Francesco Filippone


    This is the stadium of Sporting Lisboa team, which compete in the Portuguese top football League and (in the season 2017-2018) in the Europa League. It's very easy to access to the stadium, quite intuitive the directions. Once inside the stadium structure give you the chance to enjoy the football game, even with sunlight, it won't disappoint you. Prices to football game are acceptable. Great show!

  • en

    Celia Menezes


    The best stadium in the World. The atmosphere that it's felt there in every game is inexplicable. Love SCP

  • en

    Filipe Bispo


    The best atmosphere around, this stadium was built to amplify the natural sounds of a match. The supporters of the local team sing all match long making it perfect for visitors to enjoy an event packed with emotions.

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