Kaffeehouse em Lisboa



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24, Rua Capelo, 1200-410, Lisboa, PT Portugalia
contactos telefone: +351
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.7097769, Longitude: -9.1410605

comentários 5

  • João Miguel Correia Gonçalves Vaz

    João Miguel Correia Gonçalves Vaz


    Acolhedor e bonito. Boas cervejas.

  • Nick



    Food was tasty, location was nice, although a bit pricy. 3.5 rounded up

  • Helder Mendanha

    Helder Mendanha


    Excelente comida austríaca e boa cerveja.

  • en

    R. Weust


    Not the best place to eat we visited in Lisbon. The cook wasn't even able to produce a fresh, green salad. It was weak, slack and kept out of the fridge far to long. After our complaint, the waiter agreed it was uneatable and didn't charge it. The "schnitzels" were paper thin, hammered porc meat, heavily bread bettered and regretfully fried to fat. The potato salad was more mayonnaise than anything more tasteful. Not a very difficult meal to produce, but this chef clearly never went anywhere near Austria, otherwise he wouldn't serve this.

  • Genesis Garcia

    Genesis Garcia


    I had the soup of the day and the ricotta/spinach/basil pesto croissant as suggested by the waitress--both very good! The waitress was also super nice. Nice place to go and read!

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