Oporto Music Hostel em Porto

PortugalOporto Music Hostel


informação não

🕗 horário

162, Avenida da França, 4050-278, Porto, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 22 017 9805
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 41.1603622, Longitude: -8.6282324

comentários 5

  • Ata Khabaz

    Ata Khabaz


    Is not bad but don't believe someone and keep your worthy things in safe box or in your packet

  • Dmitry Nikolaev

    Dmitry Nikolaev


    Extra 2euro tourist tax. In two rooms lockers wasn't available, so just leaveed stuff on reception. Comfortable beds.

  • Anny Bell

    Anny Bell


    Love this place! It's absolutely great. The only downside is that bathrooms are limited. So waking up early is a good idea if you want to use the bathroom to take a shower

  • Ana Branco

    Ana Branco


    The building is in great condition, everything was clean and tidy. Be careful with the ceiling height in the top floor, might be smart to ask about that beforehand! Found it somewhat strange that you have to cross the bed area to reach some bedrooms!

  • Timothy Winn

    Timothy Winn


    Fantastic location next to the international bus terminal and metro station. Well maintained and friendly hostel. Very comfortable bunks. Good locker space. Nice common room. Good value. Limited hanging space for wet towels.

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