Ossos chapel em Évora

PortugalOssos chapel


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4, Praça 1º de Maio, 7000-650, Évora, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351
website: igrejadesaofrancisco.pt
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.5689654, Longitude: -7.9083134

comentários 5

  • Marina M

    Marina M


    Wow! A very humbling experience to see. Must visit! Incredible chapel filled with the bones from the city.

  • Blitz Viridis

    Blitz Viridis


    Very iconic. There is a lot of museum aside from the main chapel which you are encouraged to see. It can give you some basic history of the chapel itself. If you are visiting, not for the history, but either to reflect on life and death or simply see something iconic, I'd skim the museum at most. The nativity exhibition containing many depictions of the nativity was hilarious. It's well worth going through the museum to get a view of the town, but the view from the Evora cathedral is far better.

  • en

    Ric Amor


    As it was my second time seeing the chapel of bones the end of 2017, the first being in 2010. I find it fascinating how they used bones to decorate the chapel and they have some great painting on the ceiling. Truly a place to visit when one's in Portugal.

  • Erwin Havekotte

    Erwin Havekotte


    The chapel with bones is pretty impressive and obviously the main draw. The museum has some hilariously bad art - I have attached some of my favourites. My advise: go to the chapel and leave; the museum is poor, and the views from the sé are better. Please weigh in to your decision if the bone chapel is worth the price of admission (4 euro).

  • Gary Brazel

    Gary Brazel


    The 16th century chapel is decorated using an interesting medium- it is decorated by the bones of some 5000 people (plus a couple of dried corpses) and is quite a sight. It gets very crowded when a tour group or two arrives, try to time it so they are not in the small chapel when you are. Note inscribed above the entrance in Latin “These bones await yours”- the monks wanted people to think about death and not so much on the material things of this life. The rest of the church is also worth seeing if you have the time.

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