Quinta Pedagógica dos olivais i Lisboa

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PortugalQuinta Pedagógica dos olivais



🕗 åbningstider

Rua Cidade de Lobito, 1800-088, Lisboa, PT Portugal
kontakter telefon: +351 21 855 0930
internet side: quintapedagogica.cm-lisboa.pt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.7629646, Longitude: -9.1118196

kommentar 5

  • Emanuel Fernandes

    Emanuel Fernandes


    In the middle of Olivais, almost hidden between the buildings, a place to learn lives: the Quinta Pedagógica dos Olivais, where everybody can see and learn how farm animals live. There's chickens, roosters, cows, a beautiful white horse, donkey, turkeys, peacocks and other animals that you don't see in a city. It's a great learning experience: you can see how vegetables grow, identify fruit trees and enjoy a great time in a place designed to show how a farm with animals can be. Parking is easy and the place is entrance free; there's a kiosk to buy ice-cream or other beverages (great for those warm days) and there's space enough to make a nice picnic, in the company of the animals. Place is very clean and there's bathroom as well. A great place to take kids!

  • Giulia De Vita

    Giulia De Vita


    One of the best place in Lisbon to spend time with kids: there are a lot of animals and the atmosphere is magic

  • en

    Maria Carlos


    All the kids enjoy. It is a good place to spend some time with family

  • John Rosas Baker

    John Rosas Baker


    A good free morning out for young children. Usual farm animals, although no written information about them and no-one available to give any advice on a Sunday. In theory you're not supposed to feed the animals but everyone takes food and the security guards ignore it.

  • en

    Malgorzata Citak


    Great place to spend some quality time with your little ones. They can learn about farm animals and it's free! 😁

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