Republica Portuguesa em Lisboa

PortugalRepublica Portuguesa


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Rua dos Cegos, 1100-129, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351
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Latitude: 38.7132009, Longitude: -9.1309845

comentários 5

  • en

    Rosalind Morgan


    I'm from London, so, I'm used to being ripped off for bland food... but this place takes the concept to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. And this food easily crossed the line from bland to bad. €6 euros for a TINY toasted sandwich of the cheapest possible cheese and the cheapest possible white bread, no salad, no nothing. I believe this sandwich cost the owner less than 50 cents to produce. My friend paid a similar amount for a quiche (obviously from the freezer) which you would normally find at a cheap buffet where you would at least be eating many other things as part of your meal. I boldly and unwisely ordered the cinnamon pancake after this, because after the sandwich, of course, I was still starving, it was raining, I wanted to see the castle etc etc. So, I braced myself for a less than satisfactory pancake experience, but nothing could have prepared me for how bad the pancake actually was... Again TINY, one cold, dry, thin pancake folded into a triangle, covered in a thick layer of dry cinnamon powder, each bite was like the cinnamon challenge but no one was filming me and I paid for the experience. It is confusing why they should be so stingy with every other ingredient except cinnamon, almost as if they wanted to hurt me! In fairness, when I said something to the waitress, they gave me a portion (albeit a tiny one) of jam to eat it with, which made the pancake edible if not enjoyable. When we paid the bill, I explained to the waitress who appeared to be the manager, possibly owner that we weren't too happy with our experience, and she got confrontational with me saying that we had sat in the cafe for a long time occupying two tables (please note: there were two of us at a four person table and the cafe was empty for the majority of the time we were there, now we know why...). Don't be fooled by the pretty exterior, this was my worst food experience over two months in Lisbon.

  • Félix Raymond

    Félix Raymond


    Excellent mojito et bon service!

  • en

    Kylie Abplanalp


    Oh my. What a disappointment. I could barely see the food on my plate when it arrived. On closer inspection it was indeed quiche, as ordered. It was microwaved, miniature, and set me back €6... Think of all the Pastel de Natas you could buy with that. Then go get them instead (somewhere else)

  • en

    Jamie Wilce


    Despite all the bad reviews I really enjoyed it here! Perhaps because we didn't have any food but for red wine and a snack in an atmospheric back alley was perfect

  • Andres Agustin Fuentes Martinez

    Andres Agustin Fuentes Martinez


    Horrible experience here. The food was expensive and not very good. Only exception was the orange juice. The service was bad, they only accept cash but didn't have change for us. Ended up waiting a while until they found change and then they gave us a pound and shortchanged us a couple of euros.

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