Restaurante Chinês em Lisboa

PortugalRestaurante Chinês



🕗 horário

59, Rua do Benformoso, 1100-086, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 920 404 906
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.717359, Longitude: -9.1350454

comentários 5

  • Daniel Santos

    Daniel Santos


    It's fun to take people here and see their reactions, plus the food is fantastic and the portions are massive. Overall a great experience.

  • Luc O Cinnseala

    Luc O Cinnseala


    This restaurant is certainly an experience. How to find it? Walk in the door of number 59. You may think you're in the wrong place but you're not. On the first floor there's a picture of a panda and there's a door with a picture of a waterfall on a door. Knock on the door or ring the bell and you'll be let in with a smile. Unfortunately, the secret nature is probably the best part of this place as the food wasn't amazing. The fried wantons were great but both mains tasted like something from a dodgy takeaway. (Chicken that was too soft to be real). Still though, very reasonable and a fun Lisbon experience.

  • pt

    Valter Arrais


    Bastante sujidade e encontramos até uma barata na comida, e como é óbvio não recomendo a ninguém. Não chegamos a provar devidamente a comida, porque logo no primeiro prato tinha uma barata e acabamos por ir embora do estabelecimento onde pagamos apenas as bebidas.

  • Liziane Schmidt

    Liziane Schmidt


    One of the best Chinese restaurants in Portugal. A simple place, with great food, where you can eat well for a good price. Nice place to go with friends, really reminds me of China. It's a bit hard to find, but mistery is the motto of the place.

  • Isabela Kayo

    Isabela Kayo


    Uma amiga me levou e a verdade é uma das únicas maneiras de descobrir que o restaurante existe, já que ele não tem fachada e fica em um apartmento! Parte da magia. É para comer bem e barato, a comida é ótima e o ambiente bem alternativo.

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