Restaurante O Charco em Lagos

PortugalRestaurante O Charco



🕗 horário

3, Rua 25 de Abril, 8600-250, Lagos, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 37.1021955, Longitude: -8.672326

comentários 5

  • en

    Robert Raustein


    Not great at all. We ordered two pizza´s and after 40 minutes they came with the pizza but it was the wrong pizza so they needed to make a new one. Then after one hour they came with a new one, AGAIN the same one as last, so it was wrong again. Then after one hour and fifteen minutes they finally got the pizza. It was greasy, but tasted ok. Would not go here. Service was bad too, they did not say a single word to us except after one hour saying "couple of minutes now", so as other reviews says, I would have used my money somewhere else

  • Jon Ivison

    Jon Ivison


    Not great. Poor service, food pretty bland and just set up for tourists. Many better places to throw away your money.

  • Alain Cohen

    Alain Cohen


    Fish is cooked while not cleaned. Baby grilled skill are not cleaned before cooking ,burned and very rubbery. Avoid at all cost

  • Adam Clifford

    Adam Clifford


    Clams were delicious. Chicken was dry. Great location and friendly staff.

  • en

    Carolina Mountford


    Just had the most awful meal here. Waiter took order, then disappeared off site. Husband saw him walking along the st back to the restaurant, ran in and collected our now cold pizzas. We'd waited 40 mins. No apologies nothing. Awful service, pretty disgusting food. Avoid!!

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