Sitgo em Lisboa




🕗 horário

Avenida Brasília, 1400-038, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 910 115 999
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.6932399, Longitude: -9.2074298

comentários 3

  • en

    Paulo Passos


    The guy at the Belem station was a fantastic teacher ( sorry can't remember your name!) - he took the time to make sure we were all completely comfortable with our machines before setting off and his passion for Lisbon was an added bonus. He explain all the path brilliantly, next time we will ask for a guided tour for sure! As first time on sitways we were a little tentative at first, but by the end of the trip we didn't want to get off. After we finnish this guy was so attentive gave us some great recommendations for bars and restaurants - they did not disappoint!

  • en

    Indira Kotta


    Really enjoyed the ride. I think Pedro was manning the stall and was extremely helpful to let me practice before take off as it was my first time on sitgo. The route to Belèm was very picturesque, passing under the suspension bridge and past the interesting spots along the port. Route clear and clean too. Very reasonable price too! Highly recommend a go!

  • Arne Vandervorst

    Arne Vandervorst


Agência de viagens mais próximo

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