Tomar Camping em Tomar

PortugalTomar Camping


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🕗 horário

Parque Municipal de Campismo de Tomar, 2300-630 Tomar, Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 249 090 447
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 39.607275, Longitude: -8.41072

comentários 5

  • en

    Carol Meredith


    Great free site for motorhomes, very central

  • Christine Scholes

    Christine Scholes


    Good parking and overnight for motorhomes only. No hot water, clean toilets and cold showers.close to beautiful town Square and castle.

  • David Scholes

    David Scholes


    This camping is a failed camp site. We assume that they were not able to make a profit so they quit leaving the site for the town authorities to sort out. So, for the time being it is a free camp site. No electricity, no hot water but otherwise it is still a camp site. We assume that the ayuntamiento will eventually decide what to do with it but I hope they take a long time. It is, in a funny sort of way, superb. Almost in the middle of the old town, just the other side of the swimming baths from the river, it sat, almost unknown and ignored. It was winter and not quite warm enough which was probably a big factor but all in all, we loved it.

  • Jack Schofield

    Jack Schofield


    Brilliant aire with full service for free. Close to beautiful town with lots of history.

  • kira morgan

    kira morgan


    Excellent free camping. No hot water or electricity, but clean showers and toilets, safe, and in a great location. We really enjoyed this spot!

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