Trumps em Lisboa




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104, Rua da Imprensa Nacional, 1250-127, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 915 938 266
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.717385, Longitude: -9.1517913

comentários 5

  • augusto costa

    augusto costa


    You arrive at 00:30 on Saturday and you can only have access to the bar. The night club opens at 2:00. That’s really bad. I wanna dance. Not wait.

  • Claude Waddington

    Claude Waddington


    For a €12 entry fee, you get in the club + 2 tokens for drinks. The vodka is watered down, the vibe is ok. Definitely not the best club I've been to. 😬

  • Victor Larsen

    Victor Larsen


    For a Saturday night: 2 dancefloors, one House the outer POP. 12€ entry should be 10€... They have tap cider here! Praise the Lord! Hate rooms could be bigger but then it's Saturday night so I guess that that's why it was so full.

  • Josh C

    Josh C


    1. Pros: great atmosphere, good music, well served cocktails 2. Cons: can get a bit crowded but it is a pretty trendy place 3. Interesting Fact: downstairs area for dancing is divided in electronic and pop music. Depending on what your like is you can head over to either area. 4. Specific Recommendation: leave your coat in the coat check as there are no hangers at the bar and it can get a bit hot

  • Alexander Firanchuk

    Alexander Firanchuk


    There are two dance rooms, but on the bigger one smoking is allowed. So for me there is only one (smoking free) dance floor. Entrance costs 12, 2 drinks are included.

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