Vale D'El Rei em Santa Luzia

PortugalVale D'El Rei



🕗 horário

59C, EM1347, 8800-562, Santa Luzia, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 281 380 600
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 37.0944957, Longitude: -7.6772263

comentários 2

  • RandomFacts



    The food here is great depending on what you get. For example, the carbonara is delicious! However, the ravioli literally tastes like tinned ravioli and even though the taste was decent, it defiantly didn't seem worth the money. In terms of service, the staff are friendly but they can be quite slow and sometimes you will ask for something and they will completely ignore you and do something else which is rather rude. Also, one night we were about to order when the waiter told us to wait one moment, meanwhile he went to seat new arrivals, despite the fact that there were already waiters there with the new arrivals! Anyway, once you order the food takes around fifteen to twenty minutes to arrive which isn't too bad :)

  • pt

    Francisco Caselli


    Não aconselho a ir se forem portugueses. Os empregados mal falam português. E só dão atenção aos estrangeiros.

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