Zarzuela em Lisboa




🕗 horário

21-23, Rua Bernardino Costa, 1200-052, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 21 342 6263
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.706882, Longitude: -9.14244

comentários 5

  • Thomas Bowyer

    Thomas Bowyer


    Delicious traditional pastries, lovely coffee, great price and very friendly staff, oh and they cater for every type of food allergy if required

  • en

    Enrica D


    This place is a happy place for every person who need to follow a gluten free diet. They have also option without lactose and without eggs. Everything on the menu is available in a gluten free version. Also, there are a lot of desserts and pastries to eat there while drinking a coffe or to take away (you will also find a gluten and lactose free version of the famous Pastel de Nata ). The staff is kind and care. The atmosphere is "authentic" and it will let you feel as a local. Absolutely recommanded!

  • en

    Laura Lyard


    Service was a bit slow so avoid if you're in a hurry. Not the type of place you want to hang around really but the gluten free + lactose free nata was really good. Not sure these do not contain eggs however so if you're vegan, make sure to ask!

  • en

    Diane Humphries


    Ideal for Coeliacs. Wide range of food and cakes. Not fancy but food very good.

  • bethan fairhurst

    bethan fairhurst


    The best gluten free, vegan pastry I have ever tasted. Wonderful pastel de nata. Definitely worth a visit, or two, or three!

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