M'ar de Ar Aqueduto i Évora

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PortugalM'ar de Ar Aqueduto


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72, Rua Cândido dos Reis, Évora, PT Portugalia
kontakter telefon: +351 266 740 700
internet side: www.mardearhotels.com
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Latitude: 38.5752557, Longitude: -7.9135739

kommentar 5

  • pt

    Leandro Prado Albertini


    Lindo hotel. Possui um lounge ótimo para curtir o final de tarde.

  • pt

    luis rodrigues


    Sempre mto bom

  • Joao Gordicho

    Joao Gordicho


    This hotel is located next to the Roman aqueduct of Évora, just 1hour away from Lisbon. The hotel used to be a Palace and still keeps some of its characteristics but mixes them with modern design decor and architecture. When we arrived to the hotel the staff was really kind and explained everything about the hotel facilities. We've stayed in Classic Room in the lower floor with a direct access to the pool area, the room had a nice modern feeling and the bed was really comfortable, big and spacious and the bathroom had an open concept to the room that we really liked! This is definitely a good place to relax and disconnect from the big city caos! There's a big inside garden where you can only listen to birds and enjoy the sun at the room terrace or by the pool. Unfortunately we had no opportunity to try the hotel restaurant but next time we will be coming by for sure... In the morning we enjoyed a nicely prepared buffet breakfast and went for a nice walk through the city... it's very easy to walk everywhere from there. Before going we still enjoyed the sun with some good Nespresso coffee by the pool. We have to thank the staff for all the attention received and we hope to be back soon!

  • en

    NATSPLUM .Eramo


    The first room they gave us someone had smoked in. They were accomodating and gave us another room. The second room had mold at the bottom of the shower and the drain was plugged and they did not come to fix it. There were no Kleenex in room. For a boutique 5 star hotel this is not acceptable.

  • pt

    Bruno Aparicio


    Um fim de semana muito bem passado, o hotel era fantástico, a zona da piscina muito agradável e os funcionários bastante simpáticos já para não falar que está muito bem situado perto de monumentos históricos, ótimo para deixar o carro de lado e aproveitar para passear e conhecer a zona. Não posso deixar de referir que tive oportunidade de usufruir de um jantar de degustação com prova de vinhos de comer e chorar por mais. Espero voltar em breve. Recomendo

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