Mercure Lisboa Almada i Almada

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PortugalMercure Lisboa Almada



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9, Rua Abel Salazar, 2805-313, Almada, PT Portugal
kontakter telefon: +351 21 276 1401
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.670618, Longitude: -9.170709

kommentar 5

  • pt

    Clara Canhoto


    Hotel muito agradável, staff muito simpático, bem localizado perto das praias da Caparica e junto à Ponte de acesso a Lisboa, o restaurante do hotel de nome Encanto é maravilhoso, comida muito bem confecionada e a preços bem simpáticos, uma curiosidade não servem bebidas alcoólicas, mas pode-se levar garrafa de vinho

  • Patrick K.

    Patrick K.


    Definitely not worth the price this hotel is asking for. Breakfast with only the most basic choices, scrambled eggs of weird and watery consistency, low cost sausages. Hotel rooms are rather small but very clean (if they get cleaned) Room service made the bed and cleaned the room at 1pm. Thats too late. I booked privilege floor with free coffee bar service, containing pastries, teas, mineral water coffees and such but it lacks coffee and pastries constantly and it seems nobody cares for refills. For the hefty extra charge it takes to get a privilege room it's also not worth the price. Most annoying thing is the air vent of the air condition in front of my window. The exhaust fans are very very noisy and still noticeable when the windows are closed. The hotel bar and restaurant does NOT sell any alcoholic beverages. No beer, no wine, no liqueurs, no nothing! This is not a healthy gastronomy style, this is just bad service and an absolute no go in hotel business. The staff is nice though and very helpful but for close to 200eur/night you surely will find something better.

  • Marina Casti

    Marina Casti


    The hotel in its self was good. Was disappointed however that after a long day we were unable to enjoy a glass of wine or beer with our meal, especially as it was not mentioned in any advertising or hotel booking information that it was a free alcohol zone. We decided to eat out where they do serve wine. We will not return.

  • António G. Pereira

    António G. Pereira


    Utilizei os serviços do hotel para reunião de trabalho e almoço. Staff atencioso, instalações aceitáveis, almoço com serviço muito demorado, apesar de termos escolhido os pratos às 11:00. Oferta gastronómica aquém das expectativas em qualidade e quantidade, não servem álcool e apesar da razão invocada ser a alimentação saudável, pode ser ou talvez não...

  • pt

    Rosângela Pereira de Andrade Fernandes


    A terceira cama é sofrível, cama de armar, café da manhã ambiente pequeno para o número de hóspedes muito tumultuado .

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