Portuguese Cinematheque - Museum of Cinema i Lisboa

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PortugalPortuguese Cinematheque - Museum of Cinema



🕗 åbningstider

39, Rua Barata Salgueiro, 1250-042, Lisboa, PT Portugal
kontakter telefon: +351 21 359 6200
internet side: www.cinemateca.pt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.7208854, Longitude: -9.1487491

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rui Xavier


    One of the best throughout the years film programs in the world.

  • Alexandre Penim

    Alexandre Penim


    If you love cinema this is the best cinema projection rooms with a word renown selection of movies. The building itself is quite an experience as well. In the summer there is also projections outside with a drink for free. Plus it's cheap specially considering the quality of the real leather chairs and high quality sound system. A place for people who respect the works and where you'll hear no would during the projections, no popcorn no advertisements, just pure Art in motion. Check the movies in their website!

  • Rita Ribeiro

    Rita Ribeiro


    If you like cinema you have to go to cinemateca. I love the place.

  • Luis Cca

    Luis Cca


    Wonderfull place to visit, watch a movie, grab a bite, drink a tea or coffee, buy a book or movie(dvd), see a museum, has excellent vintage movie schedules, a don't miss place.

  • Denis Putilin

    Denis Putilin


    A nice museum with a pleasant cafe upstairs. You can work there on the table and it’s quiet.

nærmeste Museum

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