CINCO lounge em Lisboa

PortugalCINCO lounge



🕗 horário

17A, Rua Ruben A. Leitão, 1200-392, Lisboa, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 21 342 4033
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 38.714154, Longitude: -9.149701

comentários 5

  • Soph B

    Soph B


    I loved this bar! My friend and I were made to feel so comfortable and cosy here, and I loved the low lighting. Their cocktail list is very original, we ordered two drinks each and they were all distinct and delicious. I can't tell you what we ordered as we went out after and my memory got a little foggy after. In Lisbon it really seems like there is a dearth of women about and a lot of odd men and CINCO managed to create a welcoming vibe for two young women on their own in a new town. Highly recommend.

  • Karina Khusainova

    Karina Khusainova


    Very nice and cozy bar. Especially loved that they have non-alcoholic cocktails :)

  • Alexandre Penim

    Alexandre Penim


    Cinco translates as 5/five which is a good denomination since it is a 5 star bar for the reasons that follow: The know-how - The team is managed by a friendly renown award winning expert responsible mentor to almost every other famous Lisbon bar and every team member is without exception responsible for a very warm experience yet always elegant, but not too formal. The cocktail - Afterall that's what it's all about. The quality is superb but to better suit one's desires if you request the team will make the right questions to ensure that you'll have a suiting experience as well as one that fully explored the quality offer. Space / Environment: The light is crucial to make an intimate environment that inspires interesting or revealing conversation, inviting for special moments is the fact that the light is barely enough, making it a rare case in times of excess of light. That characteristic makes it a calm and envolving place lit by a few spot lights and a set of candles inserted inside of 3 huge cubes of ice which melt at the speed that your palate does as well. But it is also chic with a transparent lit "staircase" of exquisite and rare drinks over a turquoise velvet fabric. Also the mediaeval bathroom doors are a thing themselves. Enjoy!

  • David Vernon

    David Vernon


    A different cocktail bar experience, from the atmosphere to the glassware the cocktails are served in, very relaxed, a hit with the locals so get in fast or face waiting for a place to sit. Should definitely be on your bar list for a Lisbon visit

  • Gonzalo Marcos

    Gonzalo Marcos


    Buenas copas

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