Refresh Snack Bar em Lagos

PortugalRefresh Snack Bar



🕗 horário

3, Rua Doutor José Cabrita, 8600-315, Lagos, PT Portugal
contactos telefone: +351 914 361 801
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 37.106788, Longitude: -8.6753885

comentários 1

  • Hyun young Jeong

    Hyun young Jeong


    I came here with my wife before taking the bus to Lisboa. Farmer's market nearby wasn't big enough to spend the time before the departure, so tried to find any place to get breakfast. City centre is not that far by walk from the bus station. But with luggage, it's a big deal. I found this place(1min walk from bus station) with no reviews on google map, but tried anyway. We sat outside and the lady came few minutes later. She was kind, smiling, and spoke english well. We got 2 croissant sandwiches and 2 coffees. They were tasty and freshly made. Price is reasonable, close to the 'cheap' area. In many countries, places near stations are rip-off. But this place has great location, good food, and kind staff. Oh and it opens earlier than others. Others open at 9 am, but I came here around 8:30. Highly recommend.

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